Friday, March 30, 2007

What, Me Worry?!

From KeyArts comes this link to a fun site.
Type in what worries you and blast away. Great stuff!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

RSS Fuckup

Something in that humongous virtual machine that is Google/Blogger went "clonk!" and messed up the RSS feed of this site. (And not just this one--I've seen it happen to other blogs as well.) Now the feed shows old posts as new posts. So it goes. If you're a nerd (and I know you're out there) and know how to prevent this, drop me a line.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Innovative Marketing

Take a look at this article about the clever viral marketing scheme for the next Nine Inch Nails album, Year Zero. You can find more information about the whole thing here. Once again goes to show that Mr. Trent Reznor is one of the more subversive characters in the business.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Day Night Day Night

Just watched the trailer for Day Night Day Night--that promises to be a spectacular film! Nice to see that people can take the terrorist narrative to a whole new level other than your stereotypical Bruce Willis flick.

Monday, March 26, 2007


This, my friends, is an infected appendix in all its glory (courtesy of this proctological site). Hey Mr. Schrumpfkopf: get rid of that little troublemaker and good riddance! Get well soon!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wait, there's more!

I just remembered: Parts of the story of the aforementioned movie take place in Guantanamo! (Pre-9/11, obviously.) Am I the only one absolutely baffled by the thin layer of irony that connects a fiction film loosely based on a real event and real characters with a political reality that increasingly seems to be written by a terrible screenwriter, rejected, rewritten by an ignorant studio exec, and finally pushed back for a direct-to-video B-movie release?

Friday, March 23, 2007

"You Can't Handle the Truth!"

I've been following the case of the fired US attorneys pretty closely over the last few weeks, but this was new to me:
apparently, among the fired is David C. Iglesias from New Mexico who also happens to be the real life military attorney who is portrayed by Tom Cruise in the 1992 movie A Few Good Men.
[This info comes from today's Süddeutsche Zeitung, page 2, and is confirmed here.]

So here's my idea for a sequel:
In Attorneygate - Good Men Are Rare These Days Cause They're All Blown to Smithereens in Iraq, Iglesias (Tom Cruise) is fired by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales (Cuba Gooding Jr.*--don't worry, he can pull it off; he might not have a Mexican background, but his name is Cuba--that's close enough) who was in turn clandestinely ordered to do so by profoundly amoral President George Dubbya Bush (Jack Nicholson) while Valerie Plame (Demi Moore) and Joseph C. Wilson (Kevin Pollak) are being shot in the face stabbed in the back by Evil Overlord Dick Cheney (who would have to play himself because seriously--nobody can portray supreme evil like The Dark Lord himself).
Aaaah, popular culture and politics--what a combination!
*If Cuba is busy shooting yet another useless tearjerker bullshit movie, get Donald Trump to play Gonzales--he'll do anything for money, he's a prick and he'll get the "YOU'RE FIRED!!!" scene just right!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Two days ago marked the official beginning of the War in Iraq, 2.0.
Four years and running...
[courtesy of Today's Best Cartoons/Mike Keefe@The Denver Post]

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Friends & Allies, Pt. II

If you want to know what happens to decent (well, half-decent, anyway), football-loving, culturally literate Europeans once they move to the heartland of the Free & Civilized World (aka Oklahoma), take a look at my good friend Sam's blog.
Used to care only about third second-league British football and keeping England separate from the continent, now brewing beer and shooting military assault rifles. It's a slippery slope, my friend--stay away from them boys in uniform who want you to sign a paper on the next Piggly Wiggly's parking lot, and never mind the fine print. Next thing you know, you can't see the desert for all the sand.
...but you know I still love you, Sammy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hard Work!

Can anybody tell me why this godamned Master's thesis doesn't write itself? You'd think after 5+ years of preparation words would be more than willing to be flowing, but no--lots of white space on that screen of mine. Bummer.
Thanks for listening patiently through my whining. Here to reward you is Stewie from Family Guy.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Friends & Allies, Pt. I

Let me direct your attention to the blog one of my very best friends, the Incredible Mr. Schrumpfkopf.

If you want to have a laugh, get informed on intelligent, absurd, useful, useless, political, trivial, and generally interesting stuff, or just add one more blog to your NetVibes, this is THE place to go! He posts quite regularly and it's always well worth a visit!

GO! THERE! NOW! (...please!)


Holy crap, it's actually snowing!
Haven't I been prancing around in a light summer jacket enjoying 20-something degrees Celsius and springlike sun last week? Talk about global warming...

Complete Waste of Time

For those of you who have too much free time on their hands, try this. But be warned, it may lead to this--and where do you go from there?
Well, here perhaps. After that, you probably need a break, so follow the little blue ball.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Well, Hello There!

How's this for starters:
44 visitors over the first 24 hours, spread over 5 countries (Germany, the US, Great Britain, Switzerland, and Spain), using 4 different operating systems (MacOS, Windows 2000 [wow!]/XP/Vista), 4 different browsers (Opera, Firefox, Explorer, Safari), and 4 different languages (German, English, Italian, Japanese--Sayonara!).
And now--the first referral from the white noise out there! Thanks, annA at KeyArts! Right back at ya!


I've added a RSS/Atom feed for this site. So if you want to be sure never to miss the wisdom of ME, subscribe to this feed and off you go. By the way, a great way to manage your feeds comes via Netvibes--helps you to keep your feeds organized and gives you a short and concise overview of what's happening out there.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Götz Aly in Wiesbaden

This is for the Germans:
Götz Aly (WikiInfo in English/German) will give a lecture this Sunday (March 18) at 11.30h at the Landtag in Wiesbaden. The subject of Aly's lecture will be, "The Holocaust in European History of the 20th Century." There's no entrance fee and it promises to be an interesting perspective on the subject.

The Fountain

I still don't know where this blog is going, but some of it is going to be on film. So here's a my suggestion for a must-see flick: Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain. This movie is an absolute masterpiece, high up on my top 5 list! I don't think it's for everybody, with its slightly esoteric/SciFi allusions, but cineastically and visually, it's an outstanding movie. Following his first two major flics, Pi and Requiem for a Dream, Mr. Aronofsky has now shown that he is one director to be reckoned with.
Go watch it--it's good stuff!

PS: Aronofsky's films also tend to have spectacular accompanying websites--check 'em out here, here and here.

Too Weird?

Ok, that first clip was REALLY weird! I promise, it won't be all strange stuff like that, so here's a puppy (courtesy of

Thursday, March 15, 2007


So, let's get right to it.
This little clip comes via Mr. Kevin Smith and is decidedly weird. (And not necessarily safe for work...)


Alright. Let's start this thing.
I'm not going to give a long introductory address about why I do this and what I'm going to do and promise that I'll post everyday and blahblahblah. Let's just see where this goes, shall we? I, honestly, don't know yet...
One word on language: I'll write in English because, a) I like it, b) I hope some of my international friends will stroll by occasionally, and c) this is the internet, and let's face it, English is as close to a global language (at least concerning global communication) as we have at the moment, so let's stick with it for now.
That being said, welcome all, have a good day. Don't hesitate to leave comments, I'll reserve the right to delete them anyway in case I don't like 'em.